Fly-in (you can find the airfield information here)
UPS or FedEx
Please contact us and let us know when you are shipping your part for repair. Be sure to include the following information when shipping your part:

Your name (or company name) and return address.​
Aircraft Registration Number​
Total Time Air frame
A written request for repair or a Purchase Order (if shipping from a repair facility).

Loree Air, Inc.
6440 Capitol Ave. Ste. A
Diamond Springs, Ca 95619

​You may use UPS or FedEx ground services to ship to our facility. Keep in mind that UPS has an earlier arrival time at our facility than FedEx. So if time is of the essence, the preferred carrier would be UPS. If you are unable to ship your box because of its size, you may need to send it via freight. This can cause delays in us receiving your part but it is still an option.
These are only suggestions. Loree Air, Inc. cannot be held accountable for any further damage caused during shipping to our facilities.
We have found it best to attach a piece of plywood to the firewall attach points on your mount and use this as a base. This allows the legs to be supported. You can either find a box that the mount fits in or build a box around the mount.
When shipping an engine mount, it may be necessary to make the box as small as possible in order for it to be small enough for the general carriers (UPS/FedEx) and to cut down on your shipping cost. In this case we advise you to make the box fit the shape and curvature of the mount as best as possible. Do this by using scrap cardboard and cutting the box strategically in order to mimic the outer shape of the mount.
To prevent most damage it is best to make a shallow box out of plywood that will encase your fuel tank and all of its extremities. If you do not have plywood available, you could use a heavy duty cardboard box and be sure to put a healthy amount of packing material in and around your fuel tank. Taking extra care when packing around the vent/pick-up tubes if applicable.